This is a repository for all those projects that don’t quite fit into any of the other categories.
- Pecha Kucha: BerlinClick on image to watch Or watch here: What is it? One way of describing it is, that a Pecha Kucha is a very basic narrated PowerPoint presentation, 20 slides, each 20 ...
- CuriosityHow curious are you? Welcome to this, an almost scientific experiment, to rate a series of 18 images according to how curious they make you feel about them. There are no right ...
- Self PortraitsA series of portraits undertaken as representations of the self, as seen by myself.
- Table Top PhotographyStreet photography Until now I would always have described myself as a street-photographer, but here in Germany street photography is becoming ever more challenging, not only are the laws and rights ...
- YouTube: Bahnhof ZooClick on image to watch Or watch here: Exploring street photography locations in Berlin, this is a wander around the Bahnhof Zoo area of Berlin, seeing what the location has to ...
© Andrew James Kirkwood – 2024